Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dishonor?! Maybe for you, but never for me!

Yes, I swear to Allah, that this deception, this ruse is not without precedent for you. Your bases and roots are bound and interwoven in such a deception! And your offshoots and branches have taken strength and nourishment from it! Thus you are the most putrid fruit of this tree, which will choke the throat of its owners and overseers like thorns and bones stuck in the throat. But in the mouth of the usurpers and interlopers, it will be a luscious morsel!

Know that this illegitimately conceived man: Born from adultery, and son of one born of adultery, (Obaidullah ibn Ziyad) has affixed us between two very firm alternatives: Fighting by the sword and drinking the nectar of martyrdom, or submitting ourselves to lowliness and dishonor.

Far be it from me to be dishonored!

Neither Allah, not the Prophet and the believers, nor the pure laps in which we were raised, nor the brave and chivalrous ones would ever find it acceptable for us to submitto oppression and tyranny.

None of these would approve should we choose obedience to the wicked and low over the battleground of the noble.

Be aware that I am prepared to fight alongside of this small group who are with me, even though they be only a handful and there are no others to help or support.

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