Thursday, January 17, 2008

Advice and Warning!

The journey of Imam Husain, peace be upon him, was a journey of guidance. The Imam is responsible for leading the people toward Allah, and that Eminent one never abandoned that mission. Thus, at a place called “Baida”, he stopped to speak to his companions, and to advise the companions of Hurr, perhaps to shed some light into their dark hearts.

He praised Allah and Glorified him and then said:

O people, The Messenger of Allah, Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him and his family said: Whoever sees that a-- tyrannical leader makes what Allah has forbidden permissible; and breaks the commitment with Allah, and acts contrary to the custom of the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s greetings and salutations be upon him and his family; and, in the midst of servants of Allah sins and oppresses--and seeing all this remains silent, and not critical either through actions or through his speech, and does not refute or censure, then Allah has made it mandatory upon Himself to take that person to the same place that He takes the oppressive leader. [Hell]

Be aware that the Ummayyeds, those tyrannical and oppressive rulers, are continually following the Devil; they consider it their duty to obey him. They have abandoned obedience to the Merciful Lord; their nastiness and corruption is apparent. They have suspended all the limits that Allah set up. They consider all the spoils of war, and all the wealth of the Muslim treasury to belong to them personally. They permit what Allah has forbidden; and they forbid what Allah has forbidden.

I am more worthy than any one else (in preventing this matter and in forbidding it, and in taking the helm of the matters of the Muslims, so that the rules of the Quran and the Messenger of Allah will be acted upon)

Your letters have reached me! And your messages have come to me, saying t hat you have all paid allegiance to me; that you would not turn me over to the enemy; and that you would not leave me alone, with no support, and that you would not forsake me, throwing me into difficulties and misfortune.

If you stand firm in your allegiance now, this is the way of growth and blessings.

I am Husain the son of Ali, I am the son of Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s greetings and salutations be upon him.

My self is with your selves; and my family are with your families! (In terms of life, I claim no difference between us; and I have not set aside any wealth or position just for myself! Myself and my families are like you and your families)

However, I am your model and exemplar (whom you must follow; and know that I am your leader and Imam! And you have to imitate and follow me in the way that I forego a luxurious life, and I abandon all watesfulness, and in not touching the spoils of war and public wealth.)

And if you do not, and instead if you break your promise and remove the yoke of allegiance from your shoulders, I swear by my own soul that such an action is not improbable for you, nor would it be anything new!

You have done the same to my father, to my brother, and my cousin Muslim ibn Aqil;

Deceived and duped is the person who would fall for your enticement.

Because you have turned away from what would benefit you, and upset your own good fortune! You’ve destroyed and thrown away that (guidance and goodness) which was allotted to you.

And know this: Whoever breaks their oaths, will have to suffer the serious consequences of breaking an oath;

Of course Allah will make us free of all need of you, Greetings, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you!

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