Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Advice on Good Deeds

In the same speech in which he advised people about doing good deeds, the Eminent Lord of the Martyrs, Imam Husain, peace be upon him, had this to say about character, generosity and social relations.

The person who is generous becomes a grand, lofty person; the person who is stingy drags debases himself.

The most generous person is the one who gives to someone from whom he has no hope of repayment or reward.

The most forgiving person is the one who forgives when in a position of power and strength.

The most affable person is the one who makes up with those have broken off relations with him.

A tree depends on its roots, and grows through sending out branches and fruit. Anyone who hastens to extend benefit toward his brother, has built branches in his spiritual tree. Later, when he comes upon this tree, he will reap the good fruit of it.

If a person does good toward his brother for the sake of Allah, to please Allah, Allah will send this goodness to him in his hour of need; moreover, He will keep adversities from him in this life.

If a person alleviates the sadness and troubles of a believer, Allah will turn away the sadness and troubles of this life and the next from him. Whoever does good, Allah will do good unto him And surely Allah loves those who do good.

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