Thursday, January 17, 2008

Repent or Face the Hellfire!

The Eminent Lord of the Martyrs, Husain ibn Ali, peace be upon him, is famous for this statement:

“Death with dignity is better than life with lowliness.”

And, in fact, this couplet was one of his battle cries:

"Death is better than being afflicted with lowliness.

And lowliness is better than entering hellfire!"

Note: The second line of this couplet refers to an incident which involved Omar.

Omar the accursed, the usurper of the rights of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, was the same person who ordered the door of the home of Lady Fatima to be pushed open, thus crushing her between the door and the wall as she tried to protect herself from the gaze of her intruders, a blow which led to her death just months later.

Omar the accursed was dying, and the Eminent Amir ul Momineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib came to him, offering him a chance to repent for his deeds and thus save himself from the hellfire.

The Eminent Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said to him, “Confess that you usurped the khilafat from me (stealing the right of the leadership of the Muslim nation).”

In response, Omar the accursed said, “Such a confession would bring me low, and hellfire is better than being abased.” (I am satisfied to enter the hellfire rather than to make such a confession, which would make me abased.)

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