Monday, January 14, 2008

Section 4a: The content of the Last Will and Testament

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"This is the testament that Husain ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib makes to his brother Muhammad, who is known as ibn Hanafiyyeh.

'Surely, Husain ibn Ali testifies that:
There is nothing to be worshipped, no god, except Allah. He is One; he has no associate.
And, that truly Muhamhad, Allah's greetings and blessings be upon him and his family, is his servant and messenger, who came to the truth, from the Truth.
And that heaven and hell are real
The hour of judgment will arise; there is no doubt in that.
And Allah will raise all who lie in the graves.

I did not step forward for idle play or diversion, nor out of recklessness and arrogance. Nor to cause corruption, destruction, oppression, tyranny or injustice!

Rather, I come forth to rectify the religious community, the ommat, of my grandfather Muhammad, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his family. I want to enjoin the right and prohibit wrongdoing, and act according to the tradition and customs of my grandfather and the way of life of my father, Ali ibn Abu Talib, peace be upon him.

Thus whoever accepts me, accepts what is right; and Allah is the foremost in Truth and righteousness. As for those who reject me, then I will be patient and steadfast, until Allah rules on the rights between me and this group. And He is the best Ruler.'

This is my testament to you, oh my brother. Surely affirmation and success is only from Allah. I rely upon Him and to Him is our return.

Peace be upon you and upon all who follow guidance."

--Having written this, he stamped it with his signet, rolled it into a scroll, handed it over to his brother, Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyeh, and bd him farewell. Then, in the cover of darkness on the eve of the Third of Sha'ban, 60, H.Q. (680 C.E.) he, along with his entire family and all his dependents, left for Mecca.

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